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Ukraine is home to many artists and houses many of the world’s most renowned street style battles, dance competitions, camps, and events that many in our community have been positively touched and influenced by. We intend to raise awareness around the impacts of the Russia-Ukraine war through art activism while providing a platform for individuals to share their own stories and artistry. This project reflects one of many personal relationships with the Russia-Ukraine War, and we recognize this narrative does not cover the full extent of racial backgrounds within the community of Ukraine. We acknowledge the racial and social inequities that continue to present themselves within and beyond these events.

We encourage the Project Home community to continue to learn, support, listen, and follow activists, organizations, companies, and sign petitions that continue to catalyze change and bring perspective to our communities. We invite you to share or contribute to our fundraiser which will go towards the Artist fund run by Maxim Orobets. The funds will be used to provide financial support to dancers and their families who are fleeing to seek shelter, lost their homes, and are affected by the Russia-Ukraine War. 

Donations closed.

Check out Maxim's IG to learn how you can continue to support.

Learn about Maxim Orobets on STORIES


Jeka Ignatenko, Sofia Flem, Andrey Onoprienko (Andreystylez), Andrii Kurnosov (Intact), Oleg Kuzya, Danya Holovin (Swipe), Andrew Stelymashenko, Oleksandr Putilov, Maxim Orobets, Ruslan Zulu Zaporozhets, Angelina Andryushyna (Gelya), Karyna Tyshchenko, Nastya Goncharenko, Yevhen Khmelnytsky (Hmel)


Artist Fund Director: Maxim Orobets

Musicians: KAJAN and Jeka Ignatenko (JK)

"I Care Not" Poem by Taras Shevchenko

Read by Jack Palance

Paintings by Nikolay Rachkov, Dmitrii Moiseevich Gavril'tsev, and Taras Schevchenko

Supporting Footage: Івасик-Телесик (1989), Капітошка (1980), and Клуб путешественников. Киев (1983)

Directed, Edited, and Animated by Larkin Poynton Olabarria

Marketing Lead: Kat Castro

STORIES Reels Editor: Lea Gredonia and Ibon Taboada

STORIES Audio Translations: Kin Nguien

Special Thanks to Jazlynn Pastor and Maya Kell-Abrams

Executive Producers: Virginia Poynton and Dr. John Brna

"Мені однаково, чи буду - I Care Not"

A man of universal talents, Taras Shevchenko was a Ukrainian poet, prose writer, painter and playwright from the 18th century. He was a major figure of the Ukrainian national revival and dedicated his life and creative works to the people of his country. His 1847 poem, "I Care Not" which is narrated at the beginning of the film, expresses the somberness of his upbringing and Ukraine's oppressive histories under Russia. In present day, the poem stays relevant and unravels how hapless histories of war and systemic barriers continue to be past down through generations.

"I Care Not" Poem Transcriptions

The imagery animated throughout the film consist of paintings from Taras himself along with other artists from the 1800s. In addition, the supplemental footage used contains scenes from cartoons that some of the dancers watched growing up and videos of Kyviv prior to its current state.

This project embodies the resiliency and some of the incredible talent Ukraine has. Continue to learn more about the artists involved on our socials:



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We recognize that news outlets and reports uphold biases that contribute to systemic oppressions. We recommend mindfully diversifying and exploring news that you consume. Check out some of the resources below in regards to exploring content with an analytical perspective.

List of Fact-Checking Sites

News Literacy Project

News Media Coverage Bias